Get’in there is half the fun ! Did a major overhaul on both front and rear derailers. I’m so glad I make it a point to thoroughly clean all parts after every ride. My ten year old components are in perfect shape. The parts that I had stored were shown the light of day and installed on my Performance. New Bike Planet fenders and top of the line clamp on grips. Still looking for a rear wheel. Will have to dig a little deeper. Regardless, its on its way.BTW, Ross, I enjoyed the comment you left on the posting below. So true.

Wish I had the gut's (or the legs)to do Adventure like that.
I'll keep my eye out for a rear wheel.
Came across your blog whjle doing a search for touring info. Nice job on the bike build up ! Looking forward to reading about your trip
Appleton Ws.
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